Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Best Wishes from Portland, Oregon....Lisa Reum-Thorsrud

It looks like a good start to a great weekend that you have helped put together.

I am attaching a photo of my two kids age 3 and 15 months. I canæt send any embarassing photos of myself, of course!

Iæm not sure if we will be able to join everyone for the reunion but I will put it on our calendar. We are working on selling our house and a transition this summer that might take us on a journey and the details are pending. I do want to keep in touch, though, and will look forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

I hope you are doing great and if you get a message from Stephanie, please give her my email as Iæve lost track of her!

Best wishes from Portland, OR.....Lisa Reum-Thorsrud

Lisa Thorsrud <eric.lisa@verizon.net>

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