Thursday, February 14, 2008

Greetings class of Ronan High School 1988

Greetings Ronan High School Class of 88!

Plans are underway for our 20-Year Reunion. We plan on having events the weekend of August 2nd and 3rd. This coincides with Pioneer Days Weekend. We’re looking forward to a dinner on Saturday the 2nd and a picnic at the lake on Sunday the 3rd. Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan on attending as even tentative numbers will come in handy. We will be sending out more information as plans are solidified.

If anyone has any other ideas or would like to help please let us know.

Allison Grant
33916 Hummingbird Lane
Ronan, MT 59864

Rich Janssen
Mark Cordier
Jason Oliverson

1 comment:

Rich Janssen said...

Can it really be 20 years....Hope you are all doing great! Lisa Reum/Thorsrud